What is the u3a?
The u3a brings together like minded retired or semi-retired people to participate in various activities and interests in a fun and friendly environment. Retirement is the start of a new and exciting chapter in our life, a “third age”, with free time and life experience providing a great opportunity to enjoy new and existing interests. The u3a is a national organisation founded in 1981 as the University of the Third Age but now known simply as the u3a. This is done through regional u3a groups forming local Interest Groups where members choose to pursue a common interest together.
What do we do?
The Holderness u3a has a number of well-established groups, including card craft, local history, out to lunch, painting and drawing, knitting, garden visits and walking. You are welcome to join as many of these groups as you wish. The way each group operates, its choice of venue, time, date and subject matter is determined by the group members themselves. The size of such groups varies from two or three to twenty or more. If there is a subject or activity where you wish a group to be formed, then let us know as we are keen to help develop new Interest Groups. The opportunities are limitless!
We also hold a monthly meeting which allows members to meet and to share what is happening across our u3a group. Monthly meetings also include a guest speaker, covering a wide range of interesting topics throughout the year.
We currently have approximatley 60 members and are keen to grow. New members are warmly welcomed.
How much does it cost?
Annual subscription is £16 per year. We also charge £2 per meeting to those members attending the monthly meeting to contribute to the cost of the room hire plus tea and coffee.
Is the u3a for you?
The u3a mantra is “Learn, Laugh and Live”. So, if you are retired or semi-retired, wish to pursue your interest or try something new with other people and develop new friends, why not join us?
How to join or to find out more?
Please contact us (see our Contact page) or come along to one of our monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month at 2pm at the Hedon Methodist Church